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Award Jury

Ilias Botseas

born in Erbach Odenwald in 1995, is currently studying theatre and journalism at JGU Mainz.
From 2017 to 2019, he served as a youth juror at Theatertreffen der Jugend.
In 2019, he was a member of the blog editorial team at Treffen junge Musik-Szene as well as the social media team of Treffen junger Autor*innen in addition to serving as a guest speaker on the topic of “adultism in theatre” at Theater HochX. Together with Antigone Akgün, he produced the radio play “Zwischen Marmor und Asphalt” (“Between Marble and Asphalt”) as part of KJTZ’s Frankfurt Forum 2020 and curated an “audio venue tour” of the Performing Arts Festival Berlin 2021.



Megha Kono-Patel

dedicates her professional work to the critical examination of power structures. She views the interplay between social discourse, power dimensions and group processes as a starting point for the production of power-critical works of art and culture. She studied literature, education and teaching in Heidelberg, Wuppertal and Dortmund. She has pursued wage and care work in Heidelberg, Madurai, Suhum, Cuise-la-Motte, Yaoundé, Berlin, Bochum, Wuppertal and Dortmund.

Photo: Adriano Vannini

Martina van Boxen

is a director, actress and writer. For twelve years, she served as artistic director of Theaterwerkstatt Hannover in addition to heading Junges Schauspielhaus Bochum for thirteen years and Junges Staatstheater Kassel for two years. She stages works for children, teens and adults, offers participatory projects and is part of Junge Bühne Bochum. Her works have been invited to numerous national and international festivals and have won several awards. For her production “Lindbergh. Die abenteuerliche Geschichte einer fliegenden Maus” (“Lindbergh. The Adventurous Story of a Flying Mouse”) she was distinguished with the German Theatre Award DER FAUST 2018.

Photo: Michael Habelitz