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IK… EH IK (world premiere)

Het Houten Huis & Nordland Visual Theatre, Netherlands
In cooperation with: Tryater

I’ve been feeling mixed up lately.

This morning I left home on time, yet once I was outside I got the strange feeling I’d left part of me in bed. When I came back in the evening, I found that the part of me which had stayed behind had blocked the door. Through the window I could see him running through the house. Everything had been turned upside down. Letters from the computer were stuffed in the fridge, my goldfish was swimming amongst the house plants and my dirty laundry was hanging outside to dry. He himself quickly slipped away into a painting.

Now I’m hiding under the covers, but I know he’s watching me.

Het Houten Huis produces visually poetic musical theatre for both young and old – productions which are conceived to be performed in theatres or site-specific locations. By bringing together humour, pain and beauty, we create absurd worlds full of struggle and hope.
There are hardly any spoken words in our plays because the story is told through physical performance, imagery and music. Music is the ‘breath’ of the piece and works in symbiosis with the acting.


Sat., 11.06.2022


Sun., 12.06.2022


accessible to

done public | 6+


pin_drop Kammerspiele


60 Min.


Het Houten Huis



Het Houten Huis & Nordland Visual Theatre, Netherlands
In cooperation with: Tryater

Direction & script: Elien van den Hoek
Performance & musical direction: Martin Franke
Scenic design & construction: Douwe Hibma
Scenery & props: Marlies Schot
Costumes: Freja Roelofs i.s.m. André Kok
Lighting design: Desirée van Gelderen
Assistant director: Zoscha van Erkel
Dramaturgy: Preben Faye-Schøll, Loes van der Pligt, David van Griethuysen, Maarten Smit
Tech: Tjarko van Heese, Gerrit Schilp, Tomas van Schelven, Roy Vermeer
Backstage & performance: Daan Hamel, Yannick Greweldinger (understudy)
Backstage: Martijn Schrier
Technical advisor & music: Frank Wienk
Magic advisor: Woedy Woet advies Het Houten Huis team

Sponsored by: Deze voorstelling wordt, naast onze structurele subsidiënten, mede mogelijk gemaakt door Provincie Friesland & De Lawei


further performances

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Artistic direction: Darren O’ Donnell

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